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Notice: This wiki is currently under construction!

As the game changes and evolves during it's Early Access phase, all information on the wiki is likely to change.

Accessibility Features

Notice: This wiki is currently under construction! As the game changes and evolves during it’s Alpha and Beta phases, all information on the wiki is also likely to change.


Moonlight in Garland aims to be accessible to as many players as possible. If you have a request for an accessibility feature, please contact us using the report a bug form, we’d love to hear from you.

TestingPlay tested by people with varied abilities.
TestingCollaborating with accessibility consultants, diversity consultants and sensitivity readers to ensure representation is positive and inclusive.
MechanicsSave at any point (menu and hotkey).
MechanicsAuto save on completion of every in game day.
MechanicsGameplay designed in short session chunks.
MechanicsAll text prompts are progressed by the player.
MechanicsConvey control instructions and important gameplay with visuals in addition to text.
MechanicsEmotes and portraits are used to convey emotion in addition to text.
MechanicsOptions to slow/speed up time system.
MechanicsAccessible energy modes for stamina and mental stamina.
MechanicsAbility to skip all cutscenes.
HelpHelp app so players can easily re-read instructions.
HelpClear tutorials and instructions for game mechanics which are delivered in keeping with the game world.


GeneralPlayer can access a visual of the default control scheme at any time via a hot key.
Keyboard/MouseFully playable by keyboard.
Keyboard/MouseMouse control options.
Keyboard/MouseCustom mappable register for keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard/MouseMultiple keyboard control options for key inputs by default (eg. Arrows and WASD for movement, Enter/Space/E for interaction).
Keyboard/MouseRun control option is toggled rather than requiring to be held down.
Keyboard/MouseCooldown modes included during interaction to avoid accidental inputs.
Controller supportPartial controller support


TextDark/Light Text options
Text3 text font options including serif and sans serif options (Comic Neue and Open Dyslexic chosen for readability).
TextFont resize option
UIUI menu resize option.
UIIn world resize option
UIBrightness controls.
UIDay/night lighting effects removal options.
UIOption to turn off player/npc bobbing animations.
UICustomisable colour option for object highlights
TestingPreliminary testing with web tools to test contrast suitability for colour blind players. Additional play testing with colour blind players also.
ControlsFull screen and windowed mode so players can use additional peripheral programs during play.


Separate music and sound effect controls
Quick mute hot keys

Additional Planned Feature Implementations

Area Features
MotorFully playable by mouse.
MotorOption to remove repeated input in mini games
MotorCustomisable cooldown time.
MotorMappable controller support.
MotorUpdated menu image for custom controls
VisualContrast control
SoundAdd more sound effect cues to screen.
SoundAdd separate mute for different sound levels (eg. Weather, speech, background noise)