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Notice: This wiki is currently under construction!

As the game changes and evolves during it's Early Access phase, all information on the wiki is likely to change.

Building:Pinewood Central
Birthday:21 Winter
Family:Mom, Dad and Sister. Sister is married and they all work on the farm in his hometown.



Gift Guide
LOVEDBirthday Cake, Coffee Cake, Healthy Muffin, Apple, Cat food, Litterbox, Rose Bouquet
LIKEDIce Slush, Crumbed Chicken, Roast Chicken, Cheeseburger, Lemon gelato, Tomato Soup, Egg Sandwich, Crab Sushi, Boiled Chicken Breast, Fish Fillet, Vege Dumplings, Tuna Sashimi, Banana, Carrot, Mulberry, Mushroom, Egg, Popcorn, Water Bottle, Moonflower Honey, Animal Rescue Meal, Pumpkin Pie, Eggs, Kitty litter, Pet Collar, Pet Crates, Parsley Bunch, Book, Poster, Mirror
NEUTRALSteak with Potatoes, Red Wine, Beer, Fancy Crepe, Omurice, Onigiri, Ham Sandwich, Rainbow Dango, Bento, Meat on a Bone, Steak, Porkchops, Salty Ramen, Meat Dumplings, Crumbed Pork, Beef Sizzle Plate, Okonomiyaki, White Bread Loaf, Bread Stick, Curry Bread, Meat Pie, Empty Plate, Honey, Cherry Pie, Milk Bubble Tea, Strawberry Bubble Tea, Taro Bubble Tea, Wood – Pine, Bricks – Red, Nails, Metal sheet, Nuts, Glue, Roof Tiles, Chain, Cardboard, Bolt, Wood – Oak, Wood – Dark, Isopropyl Alcohol, Wire, Battery, Solder, Gas Canister, Circuit Board, Watering Can, Spade, Cutters, Hammer, Screwdriver, Saw, Soil, Fertilizer, Grow lights, Gift wrapping paper, Camera, Cloth, Fishing Rod, Steel Wool, Pub’s Parcel, Recyling Parcel, Butcher’s Parcel, Holo Deck’s Parcel, Council License, Paint Roller, Bag of Scraps, Box of Lights, Bird Seed, Mushroom Spores, Pink Arrowhead Cutting, String of Pearls Cutting, Spider Plant Cutting, Parlor Palm Cutting, Grey Star Calathea Cutting, Juniper Cutting, Boxwood Ball Cutting, Smaragd Conifer Cutting, Moonflower Cutting, Strawberry Cutting, Billy Buttons Cutting, Daisies Cutting, Sunflower Cutting, Rabbit tails Cutting, Gypsophila Cutting, Foxtail Cutting, Foxglove Cutting, Orchid Cutting, Wilted Pink Arrowhead , Wilted String of Pearls, Wilted Spider Plant , Wilted Parlor Palm, Wilted Grey Star Calathea, Wilted Juniper, Wilted Boxwood Ball, Wilted Smaragd Conifer , Wilted Moonflower Plant, Wilted Strawberry Plant, Wilted Billy Buttons, Wilted Daisies, Wilted Sunflower, Wilted Rabbit tails, Wilted Gypsophila, Wilted Foxtail, Wilted Foxglove, Wilted Orchid, Pink Arrowhead, String of Pearls , Spider Plant, Parlor Palm , Grey Star Calathea, Juniper, Boxwood Ball, Smaragd Conifer , Moonflower Plant, Strawberry Plant, Billy Buttons, Daisies, Sunflower, Rabbit tails, Gypsophila, Foxtail, Foxglove, Orchid, Succulent, Lamp, Magazines, Stool, Couch, Armchair, Vase, Desk, Chests, Wardrobe, Acoustic guitar, Electric guitar, Bass, Amps, Keyboard, Instrument racks, CD’s, Painting, Treasure map, Old letter, Keys, Feathers, Shells, Fish tank, Crab, Shellfish, Fish, Butterfly, Typewriter, Birch Place Wallpaper, Cedar Court Wallpaper, Pinewood Central Wallpaper 1, Pinewood Central Wallpaper 2, Pinewood Central Wallpaper 3, Maple Place Wallpaper, Stars Wallpaper, Flower Rails Wallpaper, Wallpaper – Yellow Flowers, Jazzy Pink Wallpaper, Jazzy Purple Wallpaper, Teal Striped Wallpaper, Duck Wallpaper, Fleur Wallpaper, Pawprint Wallpaper
DISLIKEDNothing, Soda Can, Food Can, Paper, Box, Old Book, Soda Bottle, Smoke Pack, Cigarette, Flyer, Plastic Bag, Driftwood, Scrap metal, Glass bottles, Broken Electronics, Spray paint cans, Old beach toys, Dead leaves, Soda, Rainbow Candy, Red Liquorice, Ziggy Sandwich, Chocolate Icecream, Vanilla Icecream, Strawberry Icecream, Mint Choc Chip Icecream, Instant Coffee, Coffee, Takeaway Coffee, Fancy Coffee, Donut, Chocolate Muffin, Pudding, Rainbow Icecream, Dog Bone, Croissant, Pizza, Takeaway Pizza, Cecile’s Blueberry Jam, Dog food, Lizard food, Pee mats, Pink pot, Black pot, Cute pot, Wooden pot, Super Steamy Pot, Basic pot, Records, Record player
HATEDInstant Noodles, White Chocolate, Cheesy Fries
DESPISEDImported Coffee Beans


While the project is still in Early Acess, the schedules of characters are likely to change.

For now, these are the places that they currently spend the most time:

  • Garland east
  • The School
  • Garland West
Regular Schedule
00:01PAUSEASLEEPKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedKirin’s bed
06:00PATHGET UPKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedKirin’s bedroom
06:05WANDERHOME – KirinKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedroom
06:55PATHHOME – Kirin > PC LOBBYKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s Apartment Door
07:00WANDERPC LOBBYPinewood Central LobbyPinewood Central Lift
07:45PATHPC LOBBY > GWPinewood Central LobbyPinewood Central Exit
07:50PATHGW > GCGarland WestPinewood Central EntranceGarland West Exit to Garland Central West side
08:10PATHGC > GEGarland CentralGarland Central West side exit to Garland CentralGarland Central exit to Garland East
08:30WANDERGEEast GarlandGarland East exit to Garland Central
09:25PATHGE > SCHOOLEast GarlandSchool Entrance
09:30WANDERSCHOOLSchoolSchool Exit
15:15PATHSCHOOL > GESchoolSchool Exit
15:20PATHGE > GCEast GarlandSchool EntranceGarland East exit to Garland Central
15:40PATHGC > GWGarland CentralGarland Central exit to Garland EastGarland Central West side exit to Garland Central
16:00WANDERGWGarland WestGarland West Exit to Garland Central West side
20:35PATHGW > PC LOBBYGarland WestPinewood Central Entrance
20:55PATHPC LOBBY > PC LIFTPinewood Central LobbyPinewood Central ExitPinewood Central Lift
21:00WANDERHOME – KirinKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s Apartment Door
21:55PATHGO TO BEDKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bed
22:00PAUSEASLEEPKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedKirin’s bed
Festival of Petals Schedule
00:01PAUSEASLEEPKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedKirin’s bed
06:00PATHGET UPKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedKirin’s bedroom
06:05WANDERHOME – KirinKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedroom
06:55PATHHOME – Kirin > PC LOBBYKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s Apartment Door
07:00WANDERPC LOBBYPinewood Central LobbyPinewood Central Lift
08:11PATHPC LOBBY > GWPinewood Central LobbyPinewood Central Exit
08:21PATHGW > GW TRAINGarland WestPinewood Central EntranceGarland West Train Station
08:31PATHGW TRAIN > GN TRAINTrain Travel
08:51PATHGN TRAIN > FOPGarland NorthGarland North Train Station xFestival of Petals – East area
09:00WANDERFESTIVAL OF PETALSGarland NorthFestival of Petals – East area
11:20PATHFOP PATHGarland NorthFestival of Petals – North area
11:30WANDERFESTIVAL OF PETALSGarland NorthFestival of Petals – North area
15:20PATHFOP PATHGarland NorthFestival of Petals – South area
15:30WANDERFESTIVAL OF PETALSGarland NorthFestival of Petals – South area
20:00PATHFOP > CBDGarland NorthGarland North exit to the CBD
20:15PATHCBD > GWCBDCBD exit to Garland NorthCBD exit to Garland West
20:35PATHGW > PC LOBBYGarland WestGarland West exit to the CBDPinewood Central Entrance
20:55PATHPC LOBBY > PC LIFTPinewood Central LobbyPinewood Central ExitPinewood Central Lift
21:00WANDERHOME – KirinKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s Apartment Door
21:55PATHGO TO BEDKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bed
22:00PAUSEASLEEPKirin’s ApartmentKirin’s bedKirin’s bed


Each character in Garland has several events that deepen your relationships.

Each event is listed in full below including what requirements they have before triggering and choice options during the events. Note there are spoilers throughout.

First Meeting

Speak to the NPC for the first time outside of tutorial days or events.

Event 1 - Acquaintances (Platonic)

You discover his secret cat that he cant have inside because pets are banned from the building.

Relationship LevelAreaTrigger PositionTimeDay ≥InventoryOther requirements
AcquaintancesWest GarlandForest behind Pinewood7


Event 2 - Friendly (Platonic)

Hang out with Kirin before he heads to work

Relationship LevelAreaTrigger PositionTimeDay ≥InventoryOther requirements
FriendlyEast GarlandIn front of the school


Event 3 - Friends (Choice for Romance)

Head up to the rooftop together after a night of partying at the club.

Relationship LevelAreaTrigger PositionTimeDay ≥InventoryOther requirements
FriendsNight club


Event 4 - Good Friends (Platonic)
Event Trigger Requirements
Relationship leveln/a


Coming soon…

Event 4 - Dating (Romantic)
Event Trigger Requirements
Relationship leveln/a


Coming soon…

Event 5 - Friends
Event Trigger Requirements
Relationship leveln/a


Coming soon…

Event 5 - Lovers (Romantic)
Event Trigger Requirements
Relationship leveln/a


Coming soon…

Event 6 - Married/Commited (Romantic)
Event Trigger Requirements
Relationship leveln/a


Coming soon…


Kirin loves hanging out with Jake and Avery but wishes they had more time off together. He’s not a huge fan of studying but is happy to crack open the books with Haruka.


Coming soon…


Coming soon…